Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stay at Home if you have the flu!

I will confess that I woke up this past Sunday with a head cold. I might should have stayed at home but it was only a head cold; coughing, sneezing and runny nose. I did take precautions to pretty much stay away from people and had my tissues and hand sanitizer with me. I took a handful of used tissues to the counter at the bookstore where I spent most of the afternoon at a table by myself. When I got to the counter, I asked the gentleman about an absence of trashcans throughout the facility. He reached out his hand to take my tissues from me. I advised him, "you don't want to do that." So he grabbed the trash can and offered it to me to make my deposit.

I will also say that I am a staunch believer in echinacea. So on Sunday and Monday I took power doses of it. Monday afternoon, my cold was nearly diminished and this morning, my nose was dry, no more coughing or sneezing. I will also say that not counting this current cold & flu season, I have not had a cold in several (3?) years. I did get my regular flu shot this year as I normally do and will be getting my H1N1 shot on Thursday. Starting today, I am taking normal doses of echinacea as I do not always do but this year will do for sure.

Last, I will say that I am not a health care professional. Check with your own health provider referencing any claims I have made here. Images and links at the right will remain on my blog probably until the end of the current cold and flu season.

This has been a public service announcement from My Colored Roots at MyColoredRoots.blogspot.com. We will now return to normal programming.