I am sure it is not unheard of, but I would guess is certainly uncommon is to have slaves names listed with their dates of birth. Not just the year, but with the date. OK, that was a teaser. We also have, for most of the slaves I am posting here, their Mother's Names!!! From the analyst' perspective, I wonder what happened in 1840. That's when the mothers' name began being recorded. I kept looking at the documents that I had saved and see that it appears some backtracking was done and the mother's names were added to other documents. That's why there are color coded. The documents with duplicate information were not duplicate documents but the same info and some with variations. That's why I colored them. This coloring has nothing to do with the color coding I do for my folks. It's just to alert you there was duplicated and sometimes slightly conflicting info on different pages. I'm wanting to get this published right away. But come back to visit, especially if anything pertains to you and yours. I will be adding the P#s. These are simply my document #, nothing more. Also note that any and all typos were copied verbatim. Square brackets [] are copied as is and my notes are in curly brackets{}.
As we research our African-American ancestors, those who do that research also know that the slaveholders' families need to be researched as well. It is through that research of the slave holder families that we eventually come to find the info we need to come up with our own family lines, sometimes intermingled with the slaveowners and sometimes not. In either case, it would be through researching those slaveholders, their wills, deeds, family bibles and in this case, their estate business records and inventories that we find our own families. These records of William HARGROVE were kept for tax purposes as well as profit and loss statement purposes.
For the HARGROVE family, there is also available The Hargrove Family Study. 755 page book written by Dorothy P. Beebe and Johnny L. Hargrove. Details of The Hargrove Family Study will not be covered in this 2 part post. And Now, The List!
The Negroe and Ages
{P1010855 P1010932}
Jacb was Born March the --- 10 ------ 1785
Darease was Born December --- 5 ------ 1791
Abram was Born August ------ 12 ------ 1791
Sittey was Born July ------- 15 ------ 1794
Willis was Born July ------- 8 ------ 1796
Jim was Born September --- 24 ------ 1798 Phill the same age of Jim
Loson was born November 3 Day 1800
Ansel was born November the 14 Day 1803 dyed in Sep 1806
Bob was Born January ------- 16 ------ 1804
Sary was Born November ----- 27 ------ 1805
Cyrus was Born July -------- 19 ------ 1806
Christeaner was Born April - 19 ------ 1808 Hannah child Born
Tiney was Born January ----- 8 ------ 1809 Suck child
Amey was Born August ------- 17 ------ 1809 Hannah
Lucy was born {dead this word is typed inserted text above the typed line} January 22 Day 1809 Eady Born
Clin was born July the 11 Day 1809 Dareas first child
Copy over again
Damon & Eady was Born March --- 16 ---- 1811 Eady twins
Eliza was born May the 7 day 1811 Dareas child
Jim Mason was Born February 25 ------ 1812
Hennry was born june 26th day 1813 Dareas
Liddy was Born January --- 27 ------ 1814
Eveliner was Born June --- 30 ------ 1814
Joe Straten was Born March --- 24 ------ 1814
Anabella was Born February ---- 2 ------ 1819 Dareas
Davie was Born June --- 30 ------ 1821 Dareas
MatildY was Born October --- 17 ------ 1821
Adney was Born August --- 23 ------ 1821
Cadmy was born August 23 Day 1822 Hannah believe Adney and Cadmy to be the same child
Edmond was Born June ---- 8 ------ 1823 Dareas child
[illegible] was born September 25 1823 Sarey child
Silvey was Born January --- 26 ------ 1824 Sue child
Lucindy Lusindy was Born April ---- 1 ------ 1824 Christeener child
Ansel was Born June --- 14 ------ 1825 Sarry child
Jack Jackson was Born March 2 – 1826 Sue child
Charlot was Born June --- 10 ------ 1826 Christeener child
Fanny Fanney was Born July --- 13 ------ 1826 Tempy child
Cheary was Born October --- 13 ------ 1826 Tiney childe
Andy Anda was Born October --- 13 ------ 1827 Amay childe
Marcus was born March 10th 1828 Liddy childe
Levinia was Born March --- 20 ------ 1828 Sue child
Penelope was Born March --- 24 ------ 1828 Christeener child
Lue Lucas was Born March --- 31 ------ 1828 Tiney child
Tom was Born April --- 20 ------ 1829 Sue child
Letty Letey was Born April --- 25 ------ 1829 Dareas child
Alee Alice was Born May --- 6 8 ------ 1829 Sarry child {the 8th is correct, I went back to check the original transcription and realize it is fuzzy}
Absolam was Born January --- 18 ------ 1830 Eady childe
X was Born June 11 1830 Christeener childe
Hanner Dyed Hannah was Born August --- 17 ------ 1830 Sue childe
Mistake it dyed L. Jacob was Born September 10 1830 Dyed Tiney childe
Rosetta was Born June 19 - 1831 Dead Amy childe
Lueyan was Born February 8 – 1832 Dareas childe
Lillyan Lilleyan was Born March 10 ------ 1832 Sue childe
Ben Thomas was Born June 2? ------ 1832 Sary childe
Elizabeth was July 20 – 1832 Tiney childe
Dyed Julyan was Born April 28 1833 Dyed Christeener childe
Melvina was Born September 9 – 1833 Milly childe
Billey was Born February 25 - 1834 Dead Amy childs
Cosson was Born February 26 – 1834 Sue childe
Billy Socrates Socerites was Born July 30 – 1834 Tiney childe
Jinny Inny was Born August 12 – 1834 Sary childe
Keesor was Born October 19 1934 Daroase childe
Henry was Born March 12 – 1835 Christeener childe
Jerry was Born December 9 – 1835 Amys childe
Frances was Born August 19 – 1836 Milly childe
Luisa was Born August 31 – 1836 Sue childe
Isabella was Born April 31 – 1837 Christeener childe {NOTE: there is no such date as April 31}
Motgomery was Born May 21 – 1837 Sary childe
Wesley was Born February 10 – 1838 Amy childe
Agney was Born May 11 – 1838 Milley childe
Narcissa was Born October 12 – 1838 Sue childe
Amay was Born February 25 – 1839 Christeener childe
Kphran Ephram was Born September 9 – 1839 Amy childe
Althea was Born September 18 1839 – 1839 Milley childe
Richard was Born November 6 1 - 1840 Sue child
Baldy Boldy was Born April 14 - 1841 Milly child
Hissey was Born May 21 - 1841 Amy childe
John was Born June 13 - 1841 Christuner childe
?ady {blank} was Born February 12 - 1843 Sue childe
?ary (Mary?) was Born October 10 - 1843 Christuner childe
Otway was Born August 20 - 1844 Amay childe
Betsy was Born January 6 - 1845 Lets childe
Ded was Born February 7 - 1845 Fanny childe
[Page torn] Child it February died 1845
Ded was Born March 24 - 1845 Charlot childe
Lusinday [Page torn] was Born May 11 - 1845 Penelop childe Penlope child
[Page torn] July 27th 1845 Viny’s child J
Suckey was Born January 13 - 1846 Christuner childe
[Page torn] January 15th 1946 Hanah child
________ was Born August 11 - 1846 Charlot childe
Henry was Born September 12 - 1846 Amay childe
________ was Born October 13 - 1846 Milley childe
Ded was Born December 1 - 1846 Lets childe
________ [Page torn] was Born December Decr 5 - 1846 Sue Sues childe
________ was Born April 8 - 1847 Penelop childe
________ was Born November 13 - 1847 Christuner childe
________ was Born January 5 - 1848 Fany childe
[Page torn] June 4 1847 Suckys child
Mary February 11th 1848 Caroline child
Coleman April 10 1848 Hanah child
________ was Born June 5 - 1848 Amay childe
Billy August 15 1848 Andys child
Charlotte January 19 1849 Sue’s child
Caroline May 15 1849 Christina’s child
Rosetta March 27 1850
Edward April 6 1852
William June 24 1853
Abraham May 13 1854 Narcessas child
Fany May 23d 1856 Caroline’s child
Athis Sep 25 1854 Suckys child
Amy Apl 19 1857 Hanah’s child
Sam Dec 25 1857 Louisa’s child
Robert Sept 30 1857 Aryes child
Gibson May 31 1858 Caroline’s child
Rachel Sept 26 1858 Narcessa child
Dead Feb 25 1858 Hannah’s child
Betsy June 15th Eady’s child
Olivia Sept 15 1862 Louisa
June 20th 1863 Little Sucky’s
July 19th 1863 Minta
As I look at this list, previewing before I hit the publish button, I think to myself, why don't you go through and catalog all the mothers with all of their children? That would be a medium challenge. Is Fany and Fanny the same person? Probably. What about Amy, Amey and Amay? Maybe not. I see at least two different Amays. If I do this, here is an example of what you would get. I'm going to single out Darease for this example because she appears to be the star producer.
Darease born 5 December 1791. Her children are:
Clin 11 Jul 1809
Eliza 7 May 1811
Henry 26 Jun 1813
Anabella 2 Feb 1819
Davie 30 Jun 1821
Edmond 8 Jun 1823
Letty 25 Apr 1829
Lueyan 8 Feb 1832
Keesor 19 Oct 1834 Darease' name is spelled Daroase, but I'm sure that is her.
It's not specified but I would surmise that Daroase lost at least one child from 1814 to 1818 and another from 1823 to 1828.
Information contained here is copyright by Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Stay tuned for Part 2, which includes the citation and discovery process.
1675 words
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