If you haven't seen the National Archives 75th Anniversary presentation on Roots Television, you oughta go check that out. It's hosted by Cokie Roberts. There was mention of Lyndon Johnson's secretary being Mrs. Roberts. Would that be Cokie's mother in law?
I went to Roots Television this morning to verify the title and Guess What I Saw??? Our very own, My Geneablogger Mentor, Professor Dru of Find Your Folks!!!
I didn't watch again right now, Dru. Our vanpool is leaving for OGS in about 20 minutes. But you all better get on over there!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Stay at Home if you have the flu!
I will confess that I woke up this past Sunday with a head cold. I might should have stayed at home but it was only a head cold; coughing, sneezing and runny nose. I did take precautions to pretty much stay away from people and had my tissues and hand sanitizer with me. I took a handful of used tissues to the counter at the bookstore where I spent most of the afternoon at a table by myself. When I got to the counter, I asked the gentleman about an absence of trashcans throughout the facility. He reached out his hand to take my tissues from me. I advised him, "you don't want to do that." So he grabbed the trash can and offered it to me to make my deposit.
I will also say that I am a staunch believer in echinacea. So on Sunday and Monday I took power doses of it. Monday afternoon, my cold was nearly diminished and this morning, my nose was dry, no more coughing or sneezing. I will also say that not counting this current cold & flu season, I have not had a cold in several (3?) years. I did get my regular flu shot this year as I normally do and will be getting my H1N1 shot on Thursday. Starting today, I am taking normal doses of echinacea as I do not always do but this year will do for sure.
Last, I will say that I am not a health care professional. Check with your own health provider referencing any claims I have made here. Images and links at the right will remain on my blog probably until the end of the current cold and flu season.
This has been a public service announcement from My Colored Roots at MyColoredRoots.blogspot.com. We will now return to normal programming.
I will also say that I am a staunch believer in echinacea. So on Sunday and Monday I took power doses of it. Monday afternoon, my cold was nearly diminished and this morning, my nose was dry, no more coughing or sneezing. I will also say that not counting this current cold & flu season, I have not had a cold in several (3?) years. I did get my regular flu shot this year as I normally do and will be getting my H1N1 shot on Thursday. Starting today, I am taking normal doses of echinacea as I do not always do but this year will do for sure.
Last, I will say that I am not a health care professional. Check with your own health provider referencing any claims I have made here. Images and links at the right will remain on my blog probably until the end of the current cold and flu season.
This has been a public service announcement from My Colored Roots at MyColoredRoots.blogspot.com. We will now return to normal programming.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
State-County Tables & my Location Binder (Part 2)
On to columns N & O. I happened to hear somewhere that there was a surge of county history documentation at the time of the bicentennial and there was another surge at the turn of the century. Well I'm more interested in the county histories that were written for the turn of the century 1899 to 1900 or soon before of after. That's what I'm calling the old ones. The new ones, bicentennial and turn to the 21st century, I am lumping together as new. The only county history that I can specifically say I have is Jackson County GA. One day soon, I'll be making a concerted effort to find some county histories. My favorite place to look is on Google Books. I will confess that the old Jackson County history came from rootsweb.
Courthouse disasters? Fire, flood and other disasters. If I at least document the year, I can know that I may have challenges finding info before that year. Columns beginning at R for the 1940 census and below are for the purpose of my refiling when I get aroundtiut. My census pages hard copies are currently filed with the family files but I'll soon be moving them to their state and county file folders. I happened to find for example one of my great grandmother's brothers on the same census page as she. Rather than make a duplicate copy, I made a note on the brother's family group sheet for the short term. When I do get my census pages refiling done, I'll be making a note on both their FGSs where I'll find the census page is in the county file folder. In addition to that, the 1940 column for the short term is for the purpose of identifying to myself that I have all the appropriate addresses in preparation for the 1940 census that shows up in 840 days. Whoooooooooo hoooooooooooo! I'm looking forward to that! It will be here before you know it. For the 1940, I have all of Mahoning County (Youngstown) Ohio done. That's my largest concentration outside of Georgia for that year. The others? Some are on my agenda for my next trip back to Fort Wayne.
As I looked back to the State - County Tables in my Location Binder (Part 1), I realized that even though I mentioned grids for the maps, I may not have explained enough. The grids were created in MS Paint (believe it or not, I use MS Paint a LOT). They are a full page of broken horizontal and vertical lines that create approximately a one inch square. Numbers are horizontal across the top from 1 to 8 and letters vertically down the side from A to J so that the intersection about 4E or 5E is approximately center of the page. After I got them just the way I wanted, I re-saved it as grid.jpg. Then as I mentioned earlier, I printed them on transparency paper. I also bought these as single sheets from Staples or Office Depot. My last visit to Staples for these, the copy center tech told me they may as well print them for me too because I was paying for that whether they printed them or not. I let them do that. The margins were off a little bit from where I had them but that's OK. You might have noticed quite a few mistakes from the explanations I provided. I decided that is probably another good reason to blog, is that we find mistakes in our research. Actually column G for Early County did not have a purple mark until today as I wrote this article. Columns F & G need to be totally reworked.
OK, that's it for the State - County Tables. Let me tell you what else is in the Location Binder. I started out with one 1 1/2 inch binder and later added a one inch one. They are both orange durable; orange is the color for my location files. I don't use tabs in these binders, I use Cosmic (bright) Orange 24 lb paper as dividers. I bought about 10 orange single sheets. I simply print the state name on both sides of the page, stick them in a page protector and that is my divider. I can just thumb through the pages and look for the color orange and I know that is a divider for another state. Is this too much detail???
Next I'll blog more about the rest of my Location Binder and I'll finish up with what I call my drag bag. Stay tuned for Part 3. There will be no Part 4, I promise.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
State-County Tables & My Location Binder (Part 1)
I don't think I have told you yet but I should preface this blog with a warning that I am a little OC. But who isn't in their own way? When it comes to organization, I am a lot OC. That does not mean I am organized, I'm just OC about getting there.
The image you see here is an excerpt of my original Georgia page in Excel from my Location Binder. I somehow brainstormed with myself to come up with the idea for my State - County Tables sometime in 2003. The oldest copy of my State - County Tables that I can find is timestamped October 2003. The Location Binder itself though came from Juliana Smith of Ancestry Archives. I LOVE her work and miss her blog on Ancestry.com. I think she still does publish but is not regularly every day or every week like she used to be. Actually what I think I found first was one of the Quick Tips then also found Juliana's article. I regress, back to my binder and the tables.
Georgia being my earliest state and still being my most frequented state, I decided early on that I would sooner or later be pretty confused if I continued on as I was. I think at that time, I had only eight counties of interest in Georgia out of 159 counties. I am now up to thirteen counties using columns A through E, I'm not even going to count how many counties I have of interest in columns F & G (I will explain those columns in a later blog).
So, I started out with these tables and was using only columns A through E at that time. Most of this info is self explanatory if you look at the image and it's column headings. Parent county is of course the name of that county as it was before this county was formed.
The Map Grid Coords in column E is specifically for the purpose of finding one of those 146 counties that are not one of my thirteen, I know exactly where they are. The other 146 are not frequently referenced and therefore I needed a grid or I'll be all day trying to find one county. I came to that conclusion after going back and forth from the upper left corner one too many times. I figure over the years, I'll have saved myself a day or two by using the grids. The grids themselves are printed on a separate sheet of transparency and layered on top of the map in a page
protector. My state images with the county outlines I download from State & County QuickFacts. If you go to that site, you can either click on the US map to select a state or you can use the drop down on the left side to select a state. After selecting your specific state you can click the link in the upper left corner STATENAME ie Georgia counties - selection map. That's where you'll find the map image of counties for that state. One reason that I use their maps is that I won't have any issue with copyrights. Another reason is that the images are already about a full size page without resizing and last because that they are already pretty much to scale from each other. I will regress a little bit and quickly show you another way that I use the QuickFacts site. I recently found some new deceased HARGROVE family members born in Gainesville, Alabama. What county is Gainesville in? Go back to the QuickFacts homepage, select the State of Alabama, click the drop down for Select a City. Gainesville is not listed there because it is not one of the larger Alabama cities. So click place search right above that drop down and you will be able to type in Gainesville and the page will show you that Gainesville is in Sumter County. You can clearly see that there is a lot more information on the QuickFacts site than what I've just shown you but that is primarily what I use the site for.
Back to my tables. I gathered the facts for the table from various sources, including the Handy Book For Genealogists and the Red Book. I also used the http://www.naco.org/ site. Listing all of the Georgia counties in alpha order took four pages. I think I'm not going to do that again. I think it is a good idea that I did all of the Georgia counties, but the others, as I come to need them are very sporadic. ie I have found one of my slave owner families migrated through South Carolina. But I have them in only one SC county so far. I do also have one of my great grandfathers, Richard DUNCAN, born in SC. But in 1870 he was in Georgia, so I may never know where in SC he came from. That being said, I am using one line entry for SC so I'm not going to line by line add these to a table for 43 counties including the one county and six districts that no longer exist.
So having completed my four Georgia county pages, I decided to colorize them since I color code everything else. For my Georgia counties that was an easy task. I will explain later how when I worked on Alabama, that became much more difficult. Simple explanation for now is that none of my ancestor family lines repeated or competed in any county that I have found so far.
One day I took my completed and colored charts with me to the Family History Center where I volunteer once a week and showed them to one of the more experienced consultants. Patrick is an amazing guy! His knowledge of this and that would literally daze you. I took them to Pat to ask his opinion about turning my pages sideways in landscape vs right side up in portrait. I knew at sometime or another I would have more info to add to each line entry and wanted to be prepared and have room for whatever this other info might be. His suggestion was to leave them in portrait and that Kinko's, Office Depot and the like could print them for me in 11 X 17 size also called Ledger or Tabloid size. Turns out that Pat was right again. My tables are now three letter size pages wide. I did go to Kinko's, Office Depot and Staples to price their printing my tabloid pages. All of them are within five cents of the same price =<$1.79 single side in color. In the meantime, while I experimented with the add on pages that made the 2nd and 3rd width, I simply printed them in black and white, then used scrap booking tape to glue them together. After that I used highlighters to colorize. Again, I'm not sure I'm going to go through all this for states other than Georgia. I have since found an very inexpensive place to print tabloid pages. I first heard of Stevenson's Genealogy Center from another coworker at the Family History Center. This coworker was a student at Brigham Young University years ago and remembers that Stevenson's Genealogy Center is a staple around the BYU campus. Stevenson's has a copy center and their tabloid printing in color on 28 lb paper is 99 cents!
Next I'll blog more about the rest of my State - County Tables and finally will finish with what's in the rest of my Location Binder.
Stay tuned for Part 2. Heck, this baby may even get a Part 3.
Georgia being my earliest state and still being my most frequented state, I decided early on that I would sooner or later be pretty confused if I continued on as I was. I think at that time, I had only eight counties of interest in Georgia out of 159 counties. I am now up to thirteen counties using columns A through E, I'm not even going to count how many counties I have of interest in columns F & G (I will explain those columns in a later blog).
So, I started out with these tables and was using only columns A through E at that time. Most of this info is self explanatory if you look at the image and it's column headings. Parent county is of course the name of that county as it was before this county was formed.
The Map Grid Coords in column E is specifically for the purpose of finding one of those 146 counties that are not one of my thirteen, I know exactly where they are. The other 146 are not frequently referenced and therefore I needed a grid or I'll be all day trying to find one county. I came to that conclusion after going back and forth from the upper left corner one too many times. I figure over the years, I'll have saved myself a day or two by using the grids. The grids themselves are printed on a separate sheet of transparency and layered on top of the map in a page

Back to my tables. I gathered the facts for the table from various sources, including the Handy Book For Genealogists and the Red Book. I also used the http://www.naco.org/ site. Listing all of the Georgia counties in alpha order took four pages. I think I'm not going to do that again. I think it is a good idea that I did all of the Georgia counties, but the others, as I come to need them are very sporadic. ie I have found one of my slave owner families migrated through South Carolina. But I have them in only one SC county so far. I do also have one of my great grandfathers, Richard DUNCAN, born in SC. But in 1870 he was in Georgia, so I may never know where in SC he came from. That being said, I am using one line entry for SC so I'm not going to line by line add these to a table for 43 counties including the one county and six districts that no longer exist.
One day I took my completed and colored charts with me to the Family History Center where I volunteer once a week and showed them to one of the more experienced consultants. Patrick is an amazing guy! His knowledge of this and that would literally daze you. I took them to Pat to ask his opinion about turning my pages sideways in landscape vs right side up in portrait. I knew at sometime or another I would have more info to add to each line entry and wanted to be prepared and have room for whatever this other info might be. His suggestion was to leave them in portrait and that Kinko's, Office Depot and the like could print them for me in 11 X 17 size also called Ledger or Tabloid size. Turns out that Pat was right again. My tables are now three letter size pages wide. I did go to Kinko's, Office Depot and Staples to price their printing my tabloid pages. All of them are within five cents of the same price =<$1.79 single side in color. In the meantime, while I experimented with the add on pages that made the 2nd and 3rd width, I simply printed them in black and white, then used scrap booking tape to glue them together. After that I used highlighters to colorize. Again, I'm not sure I'm going to go through all this for states other than Georgia. I have since found an very inexpensive place to print tabloid pages. I first heard of Stevenson's Genealogy Center from another coworker at the Family History Center. This coworker was a student at Brigham Young University years ago and remembers that Stevenson's Genealogy Center is a staple around the BYU campus. Stevenson's has a copy center and their tabloid printing in color on 28 lb paper is 99 cents!
Next I'll blog more about the rest of my State - County Tables and finally will finish with what's in the rest of my Location Binder.
Stay tuned for Part 2. Heck, this baby may even get a Part 3.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday Shopping
When I was in my teens and early 20s and I was a poster queen, one of the posters in my room was "Try everything once, and if it's fun, do it again!" This specific poster had an image of a roller coaster full of folks, crested the first hill and about to descend. Looked like they were having a blast.
Thursday Night about almost midnight, I decided to go along to the midnight madness shopping spree taking place. I had never done this before and had no intention to go this year. About 11:30 or so, I changed my mind. My son's fiance and her sister in law had already left to catch Toys R Us midnight doorbuster, his mother in law and I were to meet them there. We got almost to the store and got a text to not go. The line was wrapped around the store and only about 50 people were being admitted at one time. We met in another store parking lot to work out Plan B. Go to WalMart and browse even though the sale items were not being released until 5 am.
The four of us got to Wally World about 12:30 and there was a hustle and bustle of activity but not extremely overwhelming. We got a store map to see where the 5 am specials were going to be; laid out in various parts of the store. The majority of the specials were wrapped in pallet plastic and were labeled not to touch until 5. We could see that some of these pallet seals were broken already, first one we noticed was the video tapes. We browsed the store and started working our plan. I was really not intending to shop but my three grandkids needed pajamas and Wally World had fleece ones for $3, so I was in charge of PJs. Get one pair for my oldest, two pair for the middle one and the baby was getting three. I was also assigned getting PJs for the sister in law's three children.
After we scouted some of the other store items that were not on special, I had a half full cart (not my purchases, but collectively). By now, it's about 1:30 and all four had our assignments. The sister in law and I browsed back by the big kids' PJs and folks were selecting their styles and sizes but not adding to their cart, just stacking them up. Continuing to browse the store, we had two things in our (my) cart that was supposed to be on special but was not marked appropriately. A store employee informed us and took them back. OK, np. Continuing to browse the store, we noticed the same employee who confiscated our specials was overlooking some other customers' specials in their carts. By now, we are getting a little annoyed. We went back to the big girls' and big boys' PJs, got all of theirs into my cart. Went to the baby's PJ area and they were being guarded. Getting a little bit sleepy, the sister in law and I wanted coffee. She guarded the cart and I went to subway and got us each a cup. Back past the baby's PJ, they were still guarded. Since I was all done except for the baby's PJs and one toy item that I was assigned, I went to layaway to hang out and wait.
By now, it's about 2:30 and the store was really thinned out except for various isolated areas including the baby's PJs and electronics. About 40 computers were available for $300 and they were well guarded too although it looked like to me that one was missing. I was in the layaway area with maybe a half dozen other patrons waiting for 5 am. I noticed about 4:00 the store traffic was picking up again and 4:30 it was starting to get to be a madhouse. 4:45 I started heading to the baby's PJs. What would have been a 45 second shopping gait at most, took 17 minutes. Most of that 17 minutes I was waiting for someone to move along through the aisle or else I was having to go against the flow. I thought to myself, "Don't these people drive on the streets?", and mentioned a couple of times, "Go right, please".
Got to the PJs and picked up three pair of assorted characters just like that; 1, 2, 3; all in Eric's size 24 months. Eric would really not care what character was on his, so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
During my two and a half hour wait, I spoke to a woman who got to Toys R Us at 11:30. She said she got into the store at 1:30 or 1:45. Got the four items she knew she wanted and waited in line from 1:50 to 3:10 to get checked out.
Realizing in time, frustration and lack of sleep, what did this cost me? How much did I gain? The PJs, I got Eric for his birthday that he was outgrowing cost $7. Based on $7, I guess regular price on the older kids' pajamas would be maybe $9. Six pair at regular price would have cost me $48, I paid $18. I will not count the shopping and browsing time, only the 2 and a half hours nonproductive time to wait until 5. My time being more valuable than $12 per hour, I may have been more fruitful had I actually planned to go on this venture, therefore better planned purchases. All in all, this is an experience I think I'd not enjoy to do again although I won't say at this time, "I'm not going".
btw, if you are a Wally World store employee, executive or whatever, don't ask which store this was, I'm not telling.
Thursday Night about almost midnight, I decided to go along to the midnight madness shopping spree taking place. I had never done this before and had no intention to go this year. About 11:30 or so, I changed my mind. My son's fiance and her sister in law had already left to catch Toys R Us midnight doorbuster, his mother in law and I were to meet them there. We got almost to the store and got a text to not go. The line was wrapped around the store and only about 50 people were being admitted at one time. We met in another store parking lot to work out Plan B. Go to WalMart and browse even though the sale items were not being released until 5 am.
The four of us got to Wally World about 12:30 and there was a hustle and bustle of activity but not extremely overwhelming. We got a store map to see where the 5 am specials were going to be; laid out in various parts of the store. The majority of the specials were wrapped in pallet plastic and were labeled not to touch until 5. We could see that some of these pallet seals were broken already, first one we noticed was the video tapes. We browsed the store and started working our plan. I was really not intending to shop but my three grandkids needed pajamas and Wally World had fleece ones for $3, so I was in charge of PJs. Get one pair for my oldest, two pair for the middle one and the baby was getting three. I was also assigned getting PJs for the sister in law's three children.
By now, it's about 2:30 and the store was really thinned out except for various isolated areas including the baby's PJs and electronics. About 40 computers were available for $300 and they were well guarded too although it looked like to me that one was missing. I was in the layaway area with maybe a half dozen other patrons waiting for 5 am. I noticed about 4:00 the store traffic was picking up again and 4:30 it was starting to get to be a madhouse. 4:45 I started heading to the baby's PJs. What would have been a 45 second shopping gait at most, took 17 minutes. Most of that 17 minutes I was waiting for someone to move along through the aisle or else I was having to go against the flow. I thought to myself, "Don't these people drive on the streets?", and mentioned a couple of times, "Go right, please".
Got to the PJs and picked up three pair of assorted characters just like that; 1, 2, 3; all in Eric's size 24 months. Eric would really not care what character was on his, so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
During my two and a half hour wait, I spoke to a woman who got to Toys R Us at 11:30. She said she got into the store at 1:30 or 1:45. Got the four items she knew she wanted and waited in line from 1:50 to 3:10 to get checked out.
Realizing in time, frustration and lack of sleep, what did this cost me? How much did I gain? The PJs, I got Eric for his birthday that he was outgrowing cost $7. Based on $7, I guess regular price on the older kids' pajamas would be maybe $9. Six pair at regular price would have cost me $48, I paid $18. I will not count the shopping and browsing time, only the 2 and a half hours nonproductive time to wait until 5. My time being more valuable than $12 per hour, I may have been more fruitful had I actually planned to go on this venture, therefore better planned purchases. All in all, this is an experience I think I'd not enjoy to do again although I won't say at this time, "I'm not going".
btw, if you are a Wally World store employee, executive or whatever, don't ask which store this was, I'm not telling.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Kreativ Blogger Award
I suppose it
doesn't happen often to nominate a newbie for an award but I feel honored that Renate from Into the LIGHT has nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award. You might notice that I labeled Awards instead of Kreative Blogger Award. I hope to get a couple more, though not necessary. So, because I don't take this honor lightly, I had to come up with seven fairly interesting things about me and seven bloggers to whom I should pass on the award. It was hard, but here it is.
NOTE: Watch out for this symbol. » My note, mostly to myself, there will be more on this topic in the future.
I am a veteran. After high school, I wanted to run away from home» but very wisely figured out that I wanted to make sure that I didn't or didn't need to come back. So I joined the Air Force. Some of the best years of my life.» Don't ask how many years, I may divulge that one day.
I have been doing genealogy about 7 and a half years, since the spring of 2002.» Yep, I have become one of the obsessed people. Although my family has not accused me yet of spending more time with my dead people...
I really don't have time to blog.» I wonder why I'm doing it... Well, Drusilla put on such a compelling presentation at IBGS. I had contemplated before that, any computer literate can follow the prompts; Create Blog... I am fairly literate, but the compelling reason that I started blogging was maybe somebody will see something I post that will help me to get over that brick wall» (see my complete profile and the random question Your hand has been replaced by a rubber stamp. What does it say?). I'm not necessarily looking for anyone to tell me the answer, but hopefully help me find it within myself.
I am hot on the trail of one of my slaveholder families.» I hope, considering I may get no more assistance, that will be just the demolition ball that I need for finding Smith's family members. Fortunately for me, it appears that Smith took on the same name.
I left a few breadcrumbs on Ancestry.com and one of my 2nd cousins once removed found me.» She was going to find me anyway, breadcrumbs just saved her a little time.
I am a philanthropist.» Have been most of my life. Hummm When I looked up the word in Webster to check spelling I didn't see quite the definition I was expecting. Voluntarism is more what I was looking for. You know, the servitude that President Obama is calling for our country to do? A lot more about this in the future.
I am looking forward to retirement so I can do more genealogy. 'nuff said.
Hummmmm. Which one of my topics » should I take on first? I want to jump right in there on Smith and Pinky, but I don't want to wear that puppy out too quickly. Ha, LOL, then y'all won't come back!
OK. Seven bloggers to pass on the baton. The seven of you are supposed to list seven things about yourself, and then pass the award on to seven other bloggers.
Luckie at Our Georgia Roots. I am VERY impressed with the look of her blog. Luckie is a new blogger to me, but of course, I will follow closely since I am digging most of my roots in the Peach State.
Diane's blog, Genealogy Insider, is representing Family Tree Magazine. Looks like she's not on the 'awards list'. But I'm nominating her anyway, I have always liked FTM from the beginning.» Her blog is the FIRST one where I found the New Digital Library Names Thousands of Slaves. Great contribution to African American genealogy! Since I saw that link on Diane's site, I have since found it several places, including Luckie's and the ACPL African American Gateway.
Hummmmm. I can't link to Diane's Maybe I'll have to pick somebody else.»
I have been following Drusilla Pair's blog, Find Your Folks, for several months. I tried looking back to see when did I start reading her and the closest I can come to is March 2009 when Randy Seaver (Genea-Musings) listed her on his Sunday Best of the Blogs list.
I have been following Randy Seaver's blog, Genea-Musings for I guess about a year now. I am glad I looked back to check the beginnings of following Drusilla because now that Roots Magic Essentials is out, I'd like to follow Randy's RootsMagic 4.0 Summary or excellent tutorial. And I'll be glad to actually participate in SNGF on my blog rather than just add a comment to his, starting this weekend.
Gena's Genealogy
Thoughts and News from the world of genealogy I am especially impressed with three of her blogs:
I have been following Elyse Doerflinger for about a year and a half. I first followed her videos on YouTube where she did an EXCELLENT job of videoblogging beginning genealogy. Considering that she is not a professional, I think those videos were excellent. I was disappointed when she stopped producing videos. I followed as she prepared and went to the SCGC last summer and hope more youngsters follow her lead to follow their family history. Wish I started when I was 20 something. I also really like the background that she tweaked for her blog. More than the green, I like the swirl.
And last of all there is Michael Neill. He's got three blogs. RootDig, Genealogy Tip of the Day and a paid one, Case Files. I do not subscribe to Case Files but the other two are pretty good.
Another bad link. I suppose they do that intentionally for the purpose of watching their traffic.
After FGS 2005 (was in Salt Lake City), I was DETERMINED I was going to Salt Lake too. My 50th was coming up and...» I will be devoting a couple of blogs to just that road trip.
Anyway, Michael, I really wanted to submit Juliana's blog instead of yours. But since she's not publishing Family History Circle any more, I hardly go there. I had been following her blog (daily newsletter before weekly blog) since @ 2003. She had the Quick Tips submitted my us amateurs, the professional tips, The Year Was… was especially interesting. The 24 December 2006 Year End Summary of The Year Was… is shown here
It Appears that she is still publishing but I have found it difficult when and where to find her articles. I think Ancestry.com should give the Family History Circle back to her.
Oh, back to Michael. While we were at SLC, I was showing him the 1910 census with my folks and he pointed out that my g grandfather was a property owner. How many times had I looked at this census and overlooked it? Oh, back to Michael's blog. I first found some of Micheal's writings on Ancestry's Learning Center Archive. I'd be so much more impressed if the Tip of the Day were actually daily. Well, who am I to speak? Oh yeah, I didn't name my blog to give the impression that I am on every day. His articles and tips are still pretty good.
NOTE: Watch out for this symbol. » My note, mostly to myself, there will be more on this topic in the future.
I am a veteran. After high school, I wanted to run away from home» but very wisely figured out that I wanted to make sure that I didn't or didn't need to come back. So I joined the Air Force. Some of the best years of my life.» Don't ask how many years, I may divulge that one day.
I have been doing genealogy about 7 and a half years, since the spring of 2002.» Yep, I have become one of the obsessed people. Although my family has not accused me yet of spending more time with my dead people...
I really don't have time to blog.» I wonder why I'm doing it... Well, Drusilla put on such a compelling presentation at IBGS. I had contemplated before that, any computer literate can follow the prompts; Create Blog... I am fairly literate, but the compelling reason that I started blogging was maybe somebody will see something I post that will help me to get over that brick wall» (see my complete profile and the random question Your hand has been replaced by a rubber stamp. What does it say?). I'm not necessarily looking for anyone to tell me the answer, but hopefully help me find it within myself.
I am hot on the trail of one of my slaveholder families.» I hope, considering I may get no more assistance, that will be just the demolition ball that I need for finding Smith's family members. Fortunately for me, it appears that Smith took on the same name.
I left a few breadcrumbs on Ancestry.com and one of my 2nd cousins once removed found me.» She was going to find me anyway, breadcrumbs just saved her a little time.
I am a philanthropist.» Have been most of my life. Hummm When I looked up the word in Webster to check spelling I didn't see quite the definition I was expecting. Voluntarism is more what I was looking for. You know, the servitude that President Obama is calling for our country to do? A lot more about this in the future.
I am looking forward to retirement so I can do more genealogy. 'nuff said.
Hummmmm. Which one of my topics » should I take on first? I want to jump right in there on Smith and Pinky, but I don't want to wear that puppy out too quickly. Ha, LOL, then y'all won't come back!
OK. Seven bloggers to pass on the baton. The seven of you are supposed to list seven things about yourself, and then pass the award on to seven other bloggers.
Luckie at Our Georgia Roots. I am VERY impressed with the look of her blog. Luckie is a new blogger to me, but of course, I will follow closely since I am digging most of my roots in the Peach State.
Diane's blog, Genealogy Insider, is representing Family Tree Magazine. Looks like she's not on the 'awards list'. But I'm nominating her anyway, I have always liked FTM from the beginning.» Her blog is the FIRST one where I found the New Digital Library Names Thousands of Slaves. Great contribution to African American genealogy! Since I saw that link on Diane's site, I have since found it several places, including Luckie's and the ACPL African American Gateway.
Hummmmm. I can't link to Diane's Maybe I'll have to pick somebody else.»
I have been following Drusilla Pair's blog, Find Your Folks, for several months. I tried looking back to see when did I start reading her and the closest I can come to is March 2009 when Randy Seaver (Genea-Musings) listed her on his Sunday Best of the Blogs list.
I have been following Randy Seaver's blog, Genea-Musings for I guess about a year now. I am glad I looked back to check the beginnings of following Drusilla because now that Roots Magic Essentials is out, I'd like to follow Randy's RootsMagic 4.0 Summary or excellent tutorial. And I'll be glad to actually participate in SNGF on my blog rather than just add a comment to his, starting this weekend.
Gena's Genealogy
Thoughts and News from the world of genealogy I am especially impressed with three of her blogs:
- Veterans Day and Free Databases at WorldVitalRecords (Veteran's Day Tribute)
- Plagiarism in the Genealogy Community (can't wait to show y'all my spreadsheets...after I get a handle on what to do about the plagiarism thing).
- Organizing as you Research (OK an 8th thing about me. I'm an organizational junkie. Note, I did not say organized)
I have been following Elyse Doerflinger for about a year and a half. I first followed her videos on YouTube where she did an EXCELLENT job of videoblogging beginning genealogy. Considering that she is not a professional, I think those videos were excellent. I was disappointed when she stopped producing videos. I followed as she prepared and went to the SCGC last summer and hope more youngsters follow her lead to follow their family history. Wish I started when I was 20 something. I also really like the background that she tweaked for her blog. More than the green, I like the swirl.
And last of all there is Michael Neill. He's got three blogs. RootDig, Genealogy Tip of the Day and a paid one, Case Files. I do not subscribe to Case Files but the other two are pretty good.
Another bad link. I suppose they do that intentionally for the purpose of watching their traffic.
After FGS 2005 (was in Salt Lake City), I was DETERMINED I was going to Salt Lake too. My 50th was coming up and...» I will be devoting a couple of blogs to just that road trip.
Anyway, Michael, I really wanted to submit Juliana's blog instead of yours. But since she's not publishing Family History Circle any more, I hardly go there. I had been following her blog (daily newsletter before weekly blog) since @ 2003. She had the Quick Tips submitted my us amateurs, the professional tips, The Year Was… was especially interesting. The 24 December 2006 Year End Summary of The Year Was… is shown here
It Appears that she is still publishing but I have found it difficult when and where to find her articles. I think Ancestry.com should give the Family History Circle back to her.
Oh, back to Michael. While we were at SLC, I was showing him the 1910 census with my folks and he pointed out that my g grandfather was a property owner. How many times had I looked at this census and overlooked it? Oh, back to Michael's blog. I first found some of Micheal's writings on Ancestry's Learning Center Archive. I'd be so much more impressed if the Tip of the Day were actually daily. Well, who am I to speak? Oh yeah, I didn't name my blog to give the impression that I am on every day. His articles and tips are still pretty good.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Lucy's Story by Larry Hamilton
We aren't going to let the IBGS go are we? I am not! I went to FGS 2007 but the 1st Annual IBGS was all that And a bag of chips!
There's a gentleman and his wife, Linda and Larry Hamilton, I had lunch with at the luncheon on Saturday. I was supposed to mention before that Larry is one of the authors who was at the Summit. He just sent me a note and said his book, Lucy's Story, was cited as Top 100 book for 2009.
Also, the day after IBGS, he went to to Loveland, OH (Cincinnati suburb) for a book signing.
God Bless his Mom! She's 85!
Please visit Larry's website.
Then, the lady I sat next to at the luncheon, Michelle. I owe you some documents and hot links for the SHANKLEs in Jackson County, GA. I have not forgotten.
There's a gentleman and his wife, Linda and Larry Hamilton, I had lunch with at the luncheon on Saturday. I was supposed to mention before that Larry is one of the authors who was at the Summit. He just sent me a note and said his book, Lucy's Story, was cited as Top 100 book for 2009.
Also, the day after IBGS, he went to to Loveland, OH (Cincinnati suburb) for a book signing.
God Bless his Mom! She's 85!
Please visit Larry's website.
Then, the lady I sat next to at the luncheon, Michelle. I owe you some documents and hot links for the SHANKLEs in Jackson County, GA. I have not forgotten.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Going back to the Genealogy Center
I was really disappointed that my traveling companion and I didn't stay at the Genealogy Center last Sunday for a day of peaceful research after 3 days of seminars and a little hit & miss research between or after evenings. Taking the van pool back to the library tomorrow. Good thing I am connected, huh?
BTW, I took another peek today at another one of my or will soon be a favorite repository of choice. The Ohio Genealogy Society (OGS) new building under construction is going up pretty quickly. I figured out today that the new building in Bellville will be about five to seven miles closer than the current building in Mansfield.
BTW, I took another peek today at another one of my or will soon be a favorite repository of choice. The Ohio Genealogy Society (OGS) new building under construction is going up pretty quickly. I figured out today that the new building in Bellville will be about five to seven miles closer than the current building in Mansfield.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
OK, I'm in!
I'm a Blogger now!
After attending the International Black Genealogy Summit (IBGS) (which was AWESOME) last weekend at The Allen County Public Library, I decided I needed a blog. I had already tentatively decided on the name for my blog. You may wonder My Colored Roots??? What's that about? You'll have to come back to see.
For those who weren't there or for those who missed it, there is a new African American Gateway at the Genealogy Center in the library. You kinda might miss it if you aren't familiar with their site, or you might miss it if you are familiar with their site. For those who weren't there or who haven't seen the Gateway yet, it's a culmination of a book previously published by Curt Witcher, director of the Genealogy Center. The book is titled African American genealogy : a bibliography and guide to sources and call number is 973 W771A. What's on the Gateway is updated info from the book and bunches of URLs. All of the books in the bibliography section are books actually in the Genealogy Center.
Anyway, welcome to my blog and please come back.
After attending the International Black Genealogy Summit (IBGS) (which was AWESOME) last weekend at The Allen County Public Library, I decided I needed a blog. I had already tentatively decided on the name for my blog. You may wonder My Colored Roots??? What's that about? You'll have to come back to see.
For those who weren't there or for those who missed it, there is a new African American Gateway at the Genealogy Center in the library. You kinda might miss it if you aren't familiar with their site, or you might miss it if you are familiar with their site. For those who weren't there or who haven't seen the Gateway yet, it's a culmination of a book previously published by Curt Witcher, director of the Genealogy Center. The book is titled African American genealogy : a bibliography and guide to sources and call number is 973 W771A. What's on the Gateway is updated info from the book and bunches of URLs. All of the books in the bibliography section are books actually in the Genealogy Center.
Anyway, welcome to my blog and please come back.
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